how to create a WordPress blog and profit from it

26 Apr/24

Convey your passion and story to the audience

How to learn blogging through the WordPress platformDo you have stories you want to share or a passion about something you want to write about, such as a specialty you want to talk about (cooking – art – sports – technology – medicine – pharmacy – health) but without knowing exactly the steps to take, in this guide we will explain to you how to start creating a WordPress blog and profit from it, it may seem scary to design your blog, find the right hosting, create content, and master search engine optimization (SEO). But once you know the process, you will love it, but patience and not rushing to profit is the key to the point that there are hundreds of millions of blogs in the world, and many active bloggers publish at least once a month. The only downside to the ease of creating and updating blogs is that they all compete for a limited amount of attention. This means that you will need to create a beautiful blog with insightful content in order to stand out. And this content should be published regularly because people are drawn to the latest and most relevant blogs. By taking the process step by step, you can quickly grow your audience and share useful content with the world.

Step 1: Choose a Niche

Before you start booking a domain, hosting and writing articles, I would like to tell you that specializing in writing articles about a specific category is the best. There is nothing worse than the experience of opening a website or blog and finding it disorganized. Here are some articles about technology and here are some articles about health. This will first lead to you not focusing and it is also not recommended for search engines that have organized standards around websites and blogs. In 2022, researchers have identified the most important specializations that make money from blogs, which are

  • Health and Nutrition
  • Finance
  • Fashion
  • E-Marketing
  • Technology and Games
  • Tourism
  • Insurance

After choosing the specialty that you feel you will excel in, we move to the next step, which is reserving the domain and hosting

The second step is reserving the domain and hosting

Before you design a blog, you need to choose a domain name and you can first check if the domain name is available or has someone reserved it through this tool. To know more about the domain name, it is simply what users type in the address bar to access your website. It is your home base for your entire brand. The best domain names are not funny or flashy unless your site or city is aimed at teaching children like muzzy online, so you should choose a name that people can easily remember and is not complicated, good domain names also help Google to know the topic of your blog.

With Bluehost, you can buy a free domain name and also a security certificate with your hosting. Follow the explanation

How to book a domain and hosting from Bluehost

After that, you can choose any of the following packages, the first is very good for a blog, a company website, but after the first package, it will be good for e-commerce sites that need more resources or a blog with a high number of visits, more than 25 thousand visitors per month

The Complete Guide to Creating a WordPress Blog and Profiting from It

After that, the domain selection page will appear, which is free with all packages. You can check it first, and if you find it available, you can reserve it

Step 3 of how to create a WordPress blog

Fill in the account and payment settings, you can choose Codeguard Basic, SiteLock Security – Essential, Domain Privacy + Protection first, choose because the package includes a free integrated protection certificate (https)

Step 4 of how to create a WordPress blog

Step 5 of how to create a WordPress blog

From the control panel, choose add site

The first step in creating a blog using WordPress

Step 2 of Creating a Blog with WordPressFor the third step, choose a suitable WordPress template

The vital step to designing a successful blog is choosing the right template. Your template is the overall look and feel of your website. The template includes important things such as color scheme, layout, and style elements. Your website template is a direct representation of your brand or blog and has a direct impact on the user experience. With thousands of templates to choose from, the process of choosing the right template for your blog can become confusing. So I will attach the names of the best free and paid templates for you to choose between

Best Free WordPress Templates

The best paid WordPress themes

Step 4 Blog Design Tips

You will need to set up your blog now, it will help you Follow some basic design guidelines for the long term:

Remember those flashing buttons and cluttered sites? You don’t want to create a website that distracts viewers from the essence of your content. The best way to keep people focused on exactly what you’re saying on your blog is by creating What is called white space. White space is the empty space around your copy and images that will keep your website design clean, simple and effective.

Do not use copyrighted images, there are many sites that provide free images with a free license such as freepik, pixabay Because using images from other sites will put your blog at risk because Google AdSense standards do not allow this

Do not use content copied from other sites because this is also not allowed, but the simplest way is to read about the article or topic Which you want to publish on more than one site and then add your thoughts and formulate it in your way for the reader

Although you will want to rely heavily on white space, when using colors, they should be high contrast. A well-designed blog makes it easy for anyone to use, read, and share.

Create Content

You need to create unique, powerful content that grabs readers’ attention and keeps them coming back for more. Here are some ways to stand out: Create compelling headlines to make them grab attention to keep the reader reading, share useful tips

Divide the content into a main heading H1, a second heading H2, a third heading H3 and then you can complete the rest of the headings with the same H3 and under each heading there is a suitable paragraph that talks About the title

The number of words in the article should be 1000 words or more, and the more information the article contains, the better it will be for search engines.

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